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Annual Report on Urban Development of China No.6


By:Pan Jiahua, Wei Houkai

Publisher:Social Sciences Academic Press


Publication Date:2013-07-10


Paper book:US $30.00
Ebook:US $30.00
Paper Book& Ebook:US $45.00
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Table of contents:

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The report covers the current state and future plospects for China’s urban management. It proposes the ideas that cities have become a significant social form. Ecological environment management, livelihood-based management and human ecology management have been important components in urban management and also been the key objectives of city governments at different levels. Human eco-civilization with different characteristics has emerged gradually. However, a series of problems,such as many unpaid bills in urban infrastructure investment, high pressure on urban infrastructure construction and investment, deficiency of scientific and prospective urban planning and construction, heavy traffic resulting from single metropolitan center and land use structure and so on, have increased the difficulty of urban management. Therefore, many questions remain. For example, great management burden caused by the conflict between urban population, resources and the environment, deficiency on over-all planning by management department, centralized management, low level of social participation, and inadequate policles and legal system. The solution is to improve urban management capalility, create a harmonious general eco-civilization among nature, society and humans, build urban management structure involving multiple bodies, establish behavior criterion and public order applicable to all citizens, strengthen informatization and intellectualization of urban management method, and advocate diversified management model based on differentiation.

Both the tasks and the situation of urban management in the new period are analyzed in the report, which proposes that management institution is the core of urban management. The scientific development of A Resource Conserving and Environment Friendly Society and establishment of Beautiful city are the objectives of urban management. The report also elaborates future development trend in urban management based on socialization, legalization, marketization, integration, standardization, citizenship, digitalization, flexibility and precision.